
Friday, December 13, 2019

Let's Go To Jeonju

Hi dear friends,
Where will you go when you come to Korea for the first time? I believe most of you will answer Seoul City as a destination that you will visit when you come to Korea. But actually you should know, there are other cities that are worth to visit in South Korea, one of which is Jeonju. Now, let's explore Jeonju with me^^
  • How to Go 
If you come from Seoul, you can go by bus. I recommend u to go by bus than KTX because it will cost cheaper than KTX.
First, u have to go to Seoul Central City Terminal to buy ticket and get on the bus to Jeonju from there.
  • What to Explore in Jeonju
1. Eating Bibimbap
Bibimbap is korean traditional mixed-rice contained with rice, egg, meat, and assorted vegetables. Well, maybe u can get bibimbap even in Seoul. But you should know that bibimbap is Jeonju special dish. That's why in my opinion, the flavor of Jeonju bibimbap is different with bibimbap that i've tried in other regions such as Seoul. Bibimbap in Jeonju is like the best bibimbap i've ever had in my life :) You must try eating bibimbap when u come to Jeonju. 

2. Wear a Hanbok
As most of you know, hanbok is Korean traditional dress. In Jeonju, its famous with its Hanok Village and that's why you will see many people walk while wearing their hanbok. It's very normal to wear hanbok in Jeonju because most people will wear hanbok here. Not only international tourist, but you will also see local tourist (Korean people) wear their hanbok. When u come to Jeonju, It's like you enter the old Korean era. That's why you have to experience wearing hanbok here. If you don't have hanbok, don't worry u will see many stalls that rent hanbok so u can rent hanbok there. 
3. Visiting Jeonju Hanok Village
Jeonju is well-known for its Hanok Village. It is like the must-visit destination when you come to Jeonju. In my opinion, Hanok village in Jeonju is very different with Hanok village in Seoul. In Jeonju, the Hanok Village area is quite large and compared to Seoul, the ambience of Hanok Village in Jeonju is more traditional. As i've mentioned above, it feels like u enter the time machine and go to old Korean era because u will see most people wear hanbok and the surrounding area is also filled with many Korean traditional architectures. In this hanok village, not only can you walk and take photos but you also able to buy many street foods. There are many stalls that sell street foods in the hanok village area and i think you should try eating street foods there coz most of the foods look super delicious.

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