
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Volunteer in Korea (KDI School Volunteer Club)

In this episode of blog, i want to share about one of my favorite activities in Korea, that is volunteering work.
In Korea, you can see people volunteer in many activities and volunteering in Korea can be performed by almost all age groups. Even if you are still elementary students, you can join volunteer works and I heard that even the Korean students can get the points by doing volunteering works, so that when they collect many points, it can help them to enter the university.
In my Graduate School, there is also this club called "Volunteer Club". This is really a good club because you can do a good deed while in Korea by participating in this club. Other than that, doing volunteer work can also give plus points for your resume. The thing that I really like from this club is we can do many different activities and at the same time interacting with Korean people directly. This because the volunteer works that we did is aimed at helping or providing benefits to residents or the local community in our city (Sejong City). 

Here are several volunteer works that me and my friends did in Korea

Entertaining the elderly people

The first time of my volunteer work in Korea is to entertain the elderly people who stay in Sejong Evergreen House. I heard that some of the elderly people stay here were sick. That's why we came here to make them not feel lonely and to entertain them in order to make them happy:) We danced and played games together. There is one Korean student from our school that helped us by being a translator. But anyway, even though these elderly people can't speak english and we barely speak Korean, we try to understand each other, especially with the body language lol. We ended up laughing together and having fun together.

Singing together

Now we are not awkward anymore :)

Good job for today

Cleaning Sejong Lake Park

This volunteer work requires physical work and extra energy. Why??? Haha, from the title, maybe you guys already know. This because we need to clean the Sejong Lake Park by picking up the trash. This was actually pretty simple work. However, I still remember at that time it was summer and me and my moslem friends were fasting. Wow, that's quite a challenge but still we had fun though. And the thing that made me remember this work the most was because it was sooooooo hard to find trash here lol. Really i didn't lie. Sejong Lake Park was already clean from the first time so that our task is more like to find trash rather than to pick up the trash. This because we barely find trash. But, finally, I was succeed to find trash (and that's a lot of trash in one trash bag which was left near the bushes). Maybe it came from the people who picnic there. I also didn't know where the trash came from but somehow I feel succeed because finally I can help to pick up and throw that trash >_<
Registration first

Fill the registration form

Imaginary rubbish??? Coz I cant find one

Where to find rubbish. Its already clean.

Finally we pick up trash and throw it to where it should be

Finally doneee. Good job for today too :)

Planting flowers in orphanage

This time, we came to an orphanage which was located in Sejong City. There, they already provide us the flowers and the gardening tools, so we didn't have to bring anything from school. When we arrived, first we were introduced about the orphanage by the staff there. After knowing a little bit history about the orphanage, then the real work was started. At first, I didn't know at all about how to plant that flower because gardening is not really my hobby haha. Luckely, my Korean friend and the staff were able to teach us about how to plant the flowers. After a little bit of tutoring, then finally I was able to do it, dig dig dig the soil and plant the flower. It was not that hard actually. Just had a confidence to do it and you will made it lol. And there were the kids from the orphanage that suddenly came surprised us and helped us. Gomawoyoooo gwiyeomideul. It was tiring, but after all, our hard work was paid by the pretty orphanage garden :)
Let's Go to the Orphanage

First, we were introuduced about the orphanage

Let's start, dig, dig, dig, plant, plant, plant

Another help from these handsome boys

Flower ready to be planted, let's continue this, we can do it

Our hard work
Today is a good job too :) Thank you all.

How to Go to COEX Starfield Library

It's not difficult to find good library in Seoul. I believe you can find tons of amazing libraries in Seoul. Even when you go to university library, it is also great, comfortable, and instagrammable. Today in this episode of blog, I want to share about one of must-visit libraries in Seoul. Yep, it is Starfield Library which is located inside COEX Mall.

The easiest way to go here based on my experience is by taking subwayYou guys can get on subway Line 2 (Green Line) and get off at Samseong Station Exit 6. From there, you guys can just easily enter Coex Mall. Then you will find the library inside the mall (it's not hard to find the library because the library is super big and it's like the center of the mall). 

Starfield Library is super beautiful and super comfortable. For you guys who want to read books or magazines here, it's definitely your place. I believe you will enjoy your time reading in library. However, most of books are in Korean, so maybe if you guys can understand Korean, that would be great to read here. I forgot whether there are books available in english or not. But as I remember, I thought I found one or two magazine in English. Anyway, just go there, I hope you guys can find an interesting book for you to read.

But, if you just have a short time to visit, don't worry, this place also open for you guys even if you don't read a book, you guys can just sit here and enjoy the ambiences. Or maybe for tourist like me who want to take pictures, you guys can also take pictures here because the place is super super super pretty and instagrammable. But don't be noisy, so you guys won't disturb other visitors^^. And the last but not least, sometimes there are events held in this library, so you can also attend the event took place there. 

Here are the photos of me having fun visiting COEX Starfield Library:

Super happy, I found magazine with Sungjae in its cover

Great article 

Happy expression, because of library and sungjae lol

Inside the magazine

Conclusion, amazing library :)