
Friday, May 15, 2020

Simple Korean Dishes To Be Made During Your “Stay At Home”

Staying home all alone where you just sleeping, eating, watching tv, and repeating the same things over and over will probably make you boring. However, there is nothing we can do since now many countries has implemented “lockdown” and “physical distancing” policy to prevent the contagion of COVID-19. Therefore, in order to reduce the boredom, we should make our stay at home more fun and more productive. Out of many great options, my suggestion here is to improve your cooking skill, especially in cooking korean food. There are many kinds of korean food that you can make, but this time i will recommend you these four simple dishes that don’t really need many ingredients or special technique. So, check these out!!

1. Tteokbokki

A very simple korean traditional snack that is made from Korean rice cake or called “tteok” which is cooked/boiled in the tteokbokki sauce that is made from gochujang (korean chili paste), sugar, gochugaru (korean chili pepper), garlic, and water. You can also add other ingredients such as fish cake, green onions, and boiled eggs in order to complement this dish. And the great news is if it’s hard for you to find the ingredients, especially the ingredients to make the tteokbokki sauce, you don’t need to worry anymore because nowadays there are so many instant tteokbokki that is sold online. Based on my experience, here is how to cook instant tteokbokki: put the tteok in the boiled water, put the instant tteokbokki sauce, add other ingredients, stir it, wait till the sauce is thickened, and it’s done! It’s so easy, isn’t it? 

2. Gimbap

Gimbap is made from two words. “Gim” in Korea means seaweed while “bap” means rice. Gimbap itself is a dish that is made from cooked rice which is filled with other ingredients such as tuna, ham, beef, egg, spinach, carrot, cucumber, and etc. (the fillings can be vary depends on your taste). And after that, the rice with those ingredients will be rolled in dried sheets of laver seaweed or “Gim”. It’s like Korean roll sushi and very easy to be made. Make sure that you roll it well so when you cut it later, the ingredients won’t fall apart!


3. Bibimbap

Another “bap” or rice menu that i want to introduce here. To be simplify said, bibimbap is a korean traditional mixed-rice contained with rice, egg, meat, and assorted vegetables that is mixed and served in a bowl. In my opinion, making bibimbap is quite simple. First, you just need to prepare the ingredients and cook each ingredients separately. Here are the ingredients that often be used and can be your preference: meat, egg, vegetables such as carrot, spinach, bean sprout, mushroom, cucumber, and etc. Of course the ingredients can be vary, depends on what you prefer to use and the ingredients you had. Then you just need to put the rice and the cooked ingredients in a bowl. After that you just have to mix it with the bibimbap sauce! The point is you have to stir it well, so that the rice, the ingredients, and the sauce can be mixed well.  


4. Ramyeon

Last but definitely not least, “Ramyeon” or Korean ramen.  The simplest menu from all menus that I have mentioned above. But i guarantee you the taste will not be that simple, because so far Korean Ramyeon is definitely one of the best noodles i’ve ever tasted. To cook Ramyeon like Korean people, i recommend you to use Korean instant noodle, if i can said the brand, probably shin ramyeon is the best for me. But you can also use other brand as well. And don’t forget to cook the ramyeon in the Korean yellow pot that often you see in the Korean drama.  But if you don’t have the yellow pot, just use the pot that you have in your home. Then cooked the instant noodle in the boiled water, add the seasoning, stir it well,  and it’s done! If you want a cheesy flavor, you can also add cheese on the top of noodle and let it melt. Then i can say enjoy your food!!!

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