
Thursday, January 30, 2020

How to go to Super Junior's Donghae Cafe, Haru and One Day

Hello friends, in this post I will share the information about how to go to Super Junior's Donghae Cafe, which is called "Haru and One Day".

But before, let me tell you a little bit review about Haru and One Day Cafe.
Actually, at first I came to Haru and One Day Cafe because I am a fan of Super Junior and I just want to support Donghae's business. But, after I came to the cafe, it turns out that I really like the cafe. Not only get a warm coffee and delicious cake, but I also get a very nice and cozy atmosphere. Moreover, the cafe is so instagrammable with super cool and modern interiors.

super cool and modern interior

minimalist design of the cafe

place to order 

I came on tuesday so it should be haru and tuesday, don't know why it's typo lol ><

so instagrammable wall

You can also buy some souvenirs from this cafe

my warm coffee

cozy and comfortable seats 
I super recommend you to come here and hangout with your friends. You can also come to take as many pictures as possible since this cafe is really beautiful. And if you see donghae's instagram, you will know that he often take a pic inside this cafe, so maybe you can recreate the photo by taking pic at the place where Donghae's pic is taken ^^

If I come to Korea again, I will definitely go back to visit this cafe. I wish when I come again later, I can really meet with Donghae in this cafe hehe.... :)

Here is the way you can get there: 

 - Use subway, take Line 2 to go to Seongsu Station.
 - After arrive at Seongsu Station, get out from Exit 4. 
 - From the exit (don't move your body direction), just walk straight for less than a minute (it's really near from the exit).
 - The cafe will be on the left so pay attention to the left side. It is super near from the exit so i'm sure that you won't get lost finding this cafe.

And for your information, Haru and One Day Cafe is located in Seongsu Area. It is the same area where Cube Entertainment and Cube Cafe are located. If you happen to come to Donghae's Cafe, I recommend you to also come to Cube Entertainment and Cube Cafe "20 Space The Mint Universe". I also wrote a post about how to go to cube agency building and cube cafe here.

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