
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

How to Go to Super Junior Kyuhyun Cafe, "Mom House" Cafe

Here is another blog to guide you to "Idol" Cafe, "MOM HOUSE" Cafe. 

Super Junior has always been one of my favorite Kpop groups ever. Me and most of my friends at my age, we all mostly know Super Junior, and we really like their song. Now you know my age lol.  And especially for me, Super Junior is one of groups that brought me to fall into Kpop music. When I lived in Korea, I went to three cafes owned by Super Junior families, first cafe is  Donghae cafe (I already made post about it here), then I continue the journey to Kyuhyun Cafe (Mom House), and the last but not least there is Yesung Cafe (Maybe I will make a post about this cafe later). 

I wonder why the name of this cafe is Mom House, maybe because this cafe is owned by Kyuhyun's mom??? (If anyone knows behind story about the name of this cafe, please just comment below hehe). 

Anyway, in this cafe, like the other cafes, you can order cake and coffee, and hang out with your friends here. Because they provide many tables and wifi. But there is other service that they provide, that is a guest house. If someday you travel to Korea, this "Mom" Guest House can be one of your options to stay because it's really near to Myeongdong, favorite shopping area for tourist and everyone's destinations when they visit Seoul.  

coffee that I ordered

I believe that I still keep the tissue lol

Inside the cafe you can find many photos, pictures, and gifts from fans for Kyuhyun. They put those things in cafe as the decoration. Here they are.

So, here is the direction to go there:
- You can take the subway, get off at Myeongdong Station, and get out from the Exit number 2.
Exit Number 2, in front of the north face store, I wonder in 2022 the store still there or not, pic source: Google map

- After that, just keep going straight a little bit (only around 50 meters), and then you will find the Hotel Prince and the shop "Alpha" located between the alley, you turn right to that alley.
  turn right to that alley, pic source: Google map
- And just keep your eyes on your left side, because the cafe will be on left side, you just need to walk a little bit along the alley (maybe around 50 meters walk only, p.s. the road is a bit uphill), and then you will find the cafe on your left side. No need to worry to find it, because they put a large sign "MOM House" in front of the cafe.
Taraaaa, we arrive safely