
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Prince Charming Character

1. Michael Moscovitz – Princess Diaries (Played by Robert Schwartzman)
Michael Moskovitz is a student who is popular enough between girls. He is smart, musician, and handsome. He is also very charming, good looking, andwarmhearted. He has the one and only person whom he loves. And the lucky girl is Mia.
The reason why I love Michael is because He always see Mia though Mia was invisible princess, there is no boy, except Michael looking at her. Michael saw Mia who was still invisible among the student at that time. And after Mia becomes a princess, he also still love her though Mia chose Josh at first. The most important thing from Michael Moskovitz is he always look me whatever Mia conditions are. Whether Mia princess or not is not important for Michael.
I like him very much for sure. This post is dedicated for M.M. (Michael Moskovitz)
2. Lee Yool – Princess Hours (Played by Kim Jeong Hoon) 
He is the second prince in the “Princess Hours” drama, but he is the first prince for me. Lee Yool is very kind and polite. He always help Chae Kyeong though it’s hard to get the attention from her. He is also very handsome and charming. 
Lee Yool was really sincere when he smiles. He is such a kind and warmhearted person. As a prince, he also has the really good manner, especially to the women. He is not arrogant and full of kindness.
3. Kang Bong Man – 18 vs 29 (Played by Choi Si won)
I like Choi Si Won at the first sight when I see this drama. He was so young at that time and his appearance in this drama just made me admire him so much.
In this drama, Kang Bong Man likes Hye Chan so much. He loves her at the first sight. He didn’t show it though. It’s because Hye Chan really hates him. So, Kang Bong Man just let Hye Chan think that his self is a jerk. And just let it flow. As time goes by, Hye Chan then realize that the person who is there for her is Kang Bong Man. Not Shi Woo Oppa who at first he crush on.

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